Nutritional Coaching using a whole food approach

Healthy Holiday Meals


There is a lot of information and downloads out there about Healthy menus for your Thanksgiving or Christmas meals. If you are so inclined, I think that is a great way to go, but if you don’t have the time, or know you have picky eaters among your guests, my advice is to do some basic swaps to make your favorite meals healthier.

Sweet Potatoes

It’s in the name – sweet – so you don’t really need to add the brown sugar and marshmallows on top. A healthy swap is to leave off all of the brown sugar and marshmallows, add extra butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and nutmeg and it’s good to go.

Still need the added sweet? Opt to leave off the brown sugar, add in extra butter and put half the amount of marshmallows you normally use and you have created a healthier version of your traditional dish.

Green Bean Casserole

A staple on our holiday table. You can make this dish healthier by using fresh rather than canned green beans, making your own fresh, homemade mushroom soup, and topping it off with your own baked (try the air fryer) onions.

You get the idea how this goes, just take your traditional recipes, add fresh ingredients rather than canned or processed, reduce the amount of sugar you use and who knows, you might have a new tradition!!


My Nutrition Thing is located in Bend, OR. Working with me is not limited to Central Oregon. I will arrange to meet with you at a convenient location or online via Zoom meetings.



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